Commercial Garbage Services

Here at B&L Disposal, we work with you to dispose of the garbage and deliver spectacular services for your business.

How do we work at B&L Disposal?

We work night and day to ensure that your garbage is taken care of.

What’s Our Goal?

To keep the customer happy. Not only with low prices, but services that can’t be beat. We will throw out the garbage from our local businesses for customers who want the best service possible.

Check out our various dumpster sizes we provide.

B&L Disposal Top Loading Bin

What does B&L Disposal do?

We take out the trash for our local commercial businesses.

B&L Disposal Original Logo

Who We Are

We are a family owned business conveniently located in Utah, fully committed to providing the very best service for businesses in Utah County and surrounding areas. Brad Mecham, the owner of B&L Disposal, works hard to provide the best experience possible.

Learn more about who we are.

What Makes Us Different?

The difference between us and larger companies is how we talk with our customers on a personal level. We also work into research about the garbage industry as a whole.

Visit our Blogs to learn more.

B&L Disposal Top Loading Bin Example

Our Locations

We work all over Utah County and surrounding areas to give you the best service possible.

Utah County

Salt Lake County

Juab County

Want A Free Quote?

Call us Mon-Fri at 8 AM – 5 PM

Call: 801-358-5326


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